Influence of Entrepreneurial Skills Training and Work Motivation Toward Entrepreneurship Intention
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Entrepreneurship training is an important step and needs to be done in order to form/print young entrepreneurs. One of the non-governmental organizations engaged in community development, especially to improve the quality of human resources, is LPP Ariyanti Bandung which organizes PKW training programs in the pastry & bakery sector. The population in this research is all participants who have attended PKW entrepreneurship training, the number of samples in this study is 51 people. Data collection techniques in this research are direct communication techniques, indirect communication techniques and documentary studies. The data collection tool used in this research is interview or quisioner or questionnaire and documentary study. The analysis of the research result using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The result of this study illustrates that there is significant influence of entrepreneurship training and motivation towards entrepreneurial interest of 92%. It means that the better entrepreneurship training and work motivation organized by LPP Ariyanti, then the entrepreneurship intention will increase, and vice versa.
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